Webcor Continues Tradition of Intern Service Day

July 22, 2020
Culture + Employee

Intern Service Day gives interns a chance to volunteer and have fun while embracing two of Webcor's core values – innovation and community.

Scavenger hunts, baseball games, and mixers. Usually, Webcor internships are packed with fun activities to encourage networking and friendship. While the COVID-19 pandemic might have thrown a wrench into the intern social calendar, one tradition remains as important as ever: Webcor's Intern Service Day.

The concept of an Intern Service Day was established by past interns during a continuous improvement presentation. The day gives interns a chance to volunteer and have fun while embracing two of Webcor's core values – innovation and community.

A Day at the Food Bank

In Southern California, interns took a break from the jobsite to volunteer at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Spearheaded by intern leads Ken Flamer and Aaron Case, volunteers were provided with gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer and encouraged to "socially distance" as much as possible throughout the day.

Webcor interns spent the day packaging food boxes, successfully assembling over 1,456 food kits for Angelenos experiencing food insecurity.

"I was surprised at how productive we were," says Project Engineer Intern Jaime Olmedo. "This was my first-time volunteering at a food bank, and I was amazed we were able to prepare nearly 1,500 boxes in 3 hours!"

Before volunteering, participants met outside to enjoy a delicious lunch of individually wrapped burritos and get energy for the day. The volunteer event proved to be a great networking opportunity for interns, with over 20 Webcorians from different jobsites participating in the event.

"It's truly amazing to see a company like Webcor do so much to give back to the community," notes Alex Buffo. "It was a great opportunity to help out the community and represent Webcor!"

San Francisco Neighborhood Clean-Up

Similar to their counterparts in Southern California, Webcor interns in San Francisco stepped up to the plate to help out their community.

Intern Ambassadors Hamza Shallwani and Kristin Paulazzo organized a day of street clean-up in San Francisco's Mission District neighborhood. The group picked up trash, swept and cleaned sidewalks, touched up paint on storefronts, and helped remove graffiti from recent protests.

"I got the idea of doing this service event from fellow project engineer Yasha Ghaffarzadeh, who did something very similar in Oakland," notes Kristin.

The group partnered with Roberts Obayashi, who donated PPE for the event and graciously allowed the group to use a nearby project site as a meeting point and rest station for the day.

The team worked tirelessly from 8:30am to 3:30pm, painting four businesses and one door of an apartment complex that had been graffitied.

"Everyone had a great attitude throughout the day, and I was really proud to see the difference we made," says Kristin. "The businesses and community members that crossed our paths during the day were very appreciative of our help. It was a heartwarming day."

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