Unusually Small Team Clears Hurdles to Achieve TCO at 300 Kansas Project

October 9, 2023
Project Updates

The innovative Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) facility at 300 Kansas has received its Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO).

"It has been a long time coming," says Sr. Project Manager Brent Lee. "We originally anticipated getting TCO a month earlier. We had a verbal TCO. We were just closing out some job cards, but a state elevator inspection pushed everything back a month."

A new regime at OSHA's elevator inspection group now requires the work to be 100 percent complete when calling for an inspection, even though it can take 3-4 weeks before the inspection takes place.

The wettest winter in recent history was another challenge, says Superintendent Ryan Kisner. "The weather made it difficult for Webcor Concrete to get their work done, but we were able to top out in February. It was a solid One Webcor team effort to get to this TCO."

Trades Pitched In

"There were times when the self-perform trades stepped in and helped the team with complicated details and scopes," says Project Director Blair Hinojosa, who worked off-and-on with the project. "Having them onboard with their knowledge and expertise made a big difference."

Halfway through construction, a full redesign of the lobby was requested. "We had to rebid it as its own new project. It ran over the budget the client wanted to spend, so we launched a concentrated value engineering effort that sucked up time that would normally be focused elsewhere.

"Ultimately, we were able to handle the scope change within the original contract without extending the schedule, which was very impressive," Blair adds. In fact, he says, "The team never said no. They were willing to go above and beyond to help the client in any way they could."

Construction Work Continues

Active construction continues, but the sprinkler pipe heads and generator are working, MEP is complete, and signage is up. "We'll be here for another month," Brent predicts.

"Getting to this point involved a learning curve, working with a new client, and delivering the space they wanted," Ryan says. "It was their first time building in San Francisco. But they were a great client. We'd love to work with them again if they decide to do more work in the city."

The One Webcor project was mostly smooth, Ryan says, adding that Webcor Equipment was also an important partner, supplying the personnel lift, the placing boom, and other gear.

The team that managed the project was unusually small, Blair says. "There were just four people on the core team," he says, including Brent, Ryan, Assistant Project Manager Marina Rosso, and Senior Project Engineer Sarah Wayland. "It's extremely impressive that they were able to manage the project with such a small team. They were challenged to work outside their traditional capacities and be nimble and flexible."

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