One Webcor Eases Way to Substantial Completion of Contra Costa Admin Building Project

A seamless One Webcor effort at the Contra Costa County Admin Building and Jail Demo & Redevelopment (CCC ADR) resulted in the granting of substantial completion on May 15.

May 31, 2024

Project Updates

A seamless One Webcor effort at the Contra Costa County Admin Building and Jail Demo & Redevelopment (CCC ADR) resulted in the granting of substantial completion on May 15.

Why It Matters: The project adds to Webcor's civic resume after completing the Newark Civic Center project.

One Webcor—the model for coordinating the efforts of Core and Shell with the work of Webcor Craft groups—paid off in big ways. Sr. Project Manager Alec Bangs has experience working with several of Craft's team members, building strong relationships and trust. "When you get teams together that include old friends and trusted partners, it leads to success," he says.

  • Alec had worked with Webcor Drywall Project Manager Jerry Yap and Webcor Concrete Superintendent Dan Deane on the Block 8 project, played Webcor softball with Webcor Carpentry Project Manager Marissa Chin, and has known Concrete's Emma Ramos for many years.

The Big Picture: The project is more than a construction achievement; it is a community revitalization effort. The site, previously an eyesore with a 12-story office tower from the 1960s full of asbestos and a condemned jail from the early 1900s, has been transformed into a public asset.

  • The old jail, decommissioned around 1990 and left untouched for decades, was a particularly daunting challenge. Disassembling it brick-by-brick and repurposing the 300-pound granite blocks into beautiful new building elements was no small feat, requiring meticulous effort and collaboration among several vendors and subcontractors.

The project was the first in the world to receive Total Resource Use and Efficiency (TRUE) zero-waste precertification for a public works project and is on track to become the world's first TRUE-certified public works project.

Shout Outs: Alec praised the efforts of team members: Construction Manager Justin Marsh; Webcor Drywall Sr. Construction Manager Derek Stevens; Project Engineer Nicolas Borov; Project Engineer Mansi Bansal; Assistant Project Manager Samanta Dumalig; Design Manager Fiona Le; Webcor Concrete Superintendent Dan Deane; Webcor Concrete Project Manager Kenny Hua; Webcor Concrete Sr. Construction Manager Mike Gilmore; Webcor Concrete Project Manager Emma Ramos; Webcor Concrete Sr. Superintendent Robert Brown; and Webcor Concrete Sr. Superintendent Erik Roggeveen.

All photos by Kyle Jeffers