Intern Spotlight: Gabe Talbot

On May 24, Gabe Talbot moved to sunny Southern California to join Webcor as a project engineer (PE) intern at the China Lake/P-1911 project.

June 17, 2024

Employee Spotlight

Growing up in Colorado, Project Engineer Intern Gabe Talbot spent most of his childhood and adolescence admiring California from afar. “I’m a big San Francisco Giants and 49ers fan and have always loved California as a whole,” he says.

Up until this summer, he hadn’t experienced living there, however—or anywhere outside Colorado, for that matter. In 2022, Gabe moved into his new home at Colorado State University, where he’s currently majoring in construction management. That year, he met Webcor intern ambassadors Sarah Gustafson (project engineer) and Claude Titche (senior project manager) at CSU’s semi-annual Construction Management Career Fair.

As they discussed Webcor’s California-centric portfolio, stellar reputation in the San Francisco Bay Area, and landmark projects in Northern and Southern California, Gabe’s intrigue soared. He’d always dreamed of working on the type of projects listed on Webcor’s seemingly endless resume.

“I loved that Webcor was both a bigger general contractor and a California company,” he says. “It seemed like the perfect opportunity to experience living somewhere outside of Colorado for the first time in my life.”

The next year, he interviewed for a spot in Webcor’s summer internship program; a month later, he was signing Webcor’s offer letter. On May 24, he moved to sunny Southern California to join Webcor as a project engineer (PE) intern at the China Lake/P-1911 project.

This summer, Gabe will primarily work on procurement and buyout—new processes he’s excited to learn through hands-on experience. He’s ready to dive into all that goes into finalizing a project, the various challenges that can arise on a project, the different ways a team can construct a building, and overall, what it takes to deliver a large, complex project such as P-1911.

“It all makes me very excited to learn what Webcor’s all about and to start planning my future,” he says. The way he sees it, construction offers no shortage of puzzles to solve, challenges to overcome, or lessons to learn – and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I’m excited for what’s to come,” he says. “I want help transform a pile of dirt into something amazing. I want to look back at my life and say, ‘I built something that’s truly helped people’ in one way or another.”

When he’s not working, Gabe enjoys spending his summer days mounting-biking and playing golf. True to his Colorado roots, he’s an avid skier in the wintertime.